Fortune-Teller Folding Instructions:
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Step-by-Step Guide: Folding a Delphic Maxim Fortune Teller
Prophecy isn’t a set of instructions—it’s more like a map. The guidance you receive is meant to help you navigate, not dictate your journey. It’s not a magic eight ball, but sometimes we all enjoy a little validation. So here’s your own Delphic Maxim fortune teller, ready to offer a bit of wisdom and insight for fun and reflection.
Materials Needed:
1. The printable Delphic Maxim fortune teller template
2. Scissors
3. A flat surface for folding
Symbols Overview:
The template uses four symbols representing various aspects of life:
• Snake: Wisdom and adaptability.
• Star: Aspiration and potential.
• Lyre: Harmony and creativity.
• Crown: Authority and purpose.
Step 1: Preparing the Template
1. Print the template on standard printer paper. Ensure the design is centered and the borders are even.
2. Cut out the template along the outer square border using scissors, so you have a perfect square.
Step 2: Initial Folds
1. Place the square template face down (the side without the numbers and symbols should be facing up).
2. Fold the square in half, aligning the top edge to the bottom edge. Make a firm crease.
3. Open it up and fold in half again, this time bringing the left edge to the right edge. This will create four even squares when unfolded.
Step 3: Folding to the Center
1. With the square still face down, bring each corner of the square to the center, forming a smaller square. The result should show the numbers 1-8 on the folded flaps.
2. Crease each fold sharply to maintain a crisp shape.
Step 4: Reversing the Folds
1. Flip the folded square over so the numbers face down, and the blank backs of the flaps face up.
2. Once again, bring each corner to the center, creating an even smaller square.
3. Crease firmly along each new fold.
Step 5: Forming the Pockets
1. Flip the square over again so that you see the original numbers and symbols.
2. Fold the square in half, with numbers and symbols on the outside, like a small rectangle.
3. Insert your index fingers and thumbs into the four pockets formed by the folds. Gently push the corners together until the fortune teller puffs up and can be manipulated with your fingers.
Step 6: How to Use the Delphic Maxim Fortune Teller
1. Ask a question (remember, this is for fun and reflection, not for making big life decisions).
2. Choose a symbol (snake, star, lyre, or crown) to start.
3. Open and close the fortune teller as you spell out the name of the chosen symbol (e.g., “S-N-A-K-E”), alternating between vertical and horizontal movements.
4. Choose a number (1-8) and count it out in the same way.
5. Finally, choose one more number. Lift the flap to reveal your Delphic maxim!
Delphic Maxims Included (1-8):
Help your friends.
Use your skill.
Know yourself.
Honor the perfect moment.
Nothing in excess.
Do not depend on strength.
Be true to your word.
Praise hope.
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