Alyx the Amused


Creative Director

I’m a second generation Hellenist; I was raised polytheistic and I’ve trained as an oracle for most of my life. I’ve always known that I would found a temple (for a long time, I expected it would be a Temple of Hermes). I didn’t found the original Facebook group, although it was in a moment of inspired mania that I decided to incorporate us as an official nonprofit and start doing more for the community.

I typically use the date of my first solo offering as the beginning of my choice to dedicate my life to the Gods, instead of merely following a path set for me by the adults in my life.

On December 31st, 2010 I tried to burn a grapefruit for Apollo while asking for help healing my broken wrist. I don’t know if he will ever let me live this down 😂. Grapefruits are mostly water. So while my very first teenage offering was not accepted, I definitely did manage to capture Apollo’s attention. Still, like many oracles before me, I trained mostly with Hermes and Dionysus for the majority of my life. Someday maybe I’ll share some of the crazy stories from worshipping Hermes as a poor, homeless, teenager.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Athena at this point. While I have kharis with many of the Gods, there’s something special about graduating high school at 16 with a full ride scholarship and double majoring while homeless.I have a bachelor’s degree of art in Anthropology (of which archaeology is a subset and I studied Ancient Greece extensively), a bachelor’s degree of science in political science (where I studied the history and birth of political theory from ancient Athens quite a bit), and a master’s degree in public health (because I am, at my core, Apollo’s). You don’t need to succeed academically to connect with Athena; that’s just the path that I took.

In fact, I don’t recommend trying to follow in my footsteps; everyone has a different path. Being closely connected to the Gods is a blessing but it also comes with unique dangers and burdens. I do not believe that anyone has ever said that being an oracle is good for your health; in fact, it’s known for shortening your lifespan. I don’t regret accepting who I am, and I suspect I’ll be here on Earth for a while longer. Still, I do not advise any of you to try to be someone you are not. If you are not an oracle, rejoice in who and what you are. Know yourself. Be yourself.

This is just my path.

I have lived and breathed the Gods my entire life. Truths have been revealed to me as long as I can remember; although, it’s often benign and occasionally inconvenient. Knowing what will happen isn’t as useful as knowing what to do about it when it does. The gift also has its limits- I can’t choose to use it for self-gain and I cannot force the Gods to help or to speak. I’m really just a messenger. I also don’t read tarot cards or engage with most divination systems; honestly, there’s never really been a point when I have a more accurate and reliable method available to me. I do not have schizophrenia; it has always been clear to me which things are visions and which things are part of the physical world. The visions do not control me or my life. They do not plague me with terrible, unsettling thoughts. Most of the time they start when I ask them to start and they stop when I ask them to stop.

As for the accuracy, sometimes the Gods answer questions with words. Sometimes I see the truth. The future is fuzzy and the clearer it is, the sooner it will happen and the less likely it will change. They do sometimes change with the intervention of free will.

People want to see the future to be powerful or great but in reality it’s often more like knowing I’m going to twist my ankle in 15 seconds and while I’m distracted trying to figure out what the vision means, falling down and twisting my ankle.

Back to the topic at hand- how did I get here?

I was not too surprised when someone I barely knew online claimed to have a vision from Apollo and placed me in charge of the Temple of Dionysus group a few years ago.

I was surprised when my husband died suddenly only weeks after Apollo began speaking about adding laurel leaves to my resume. I was also surprised when I read that his oracles were traditionally unmarried girls or widows. I’m sure there’s something about seeing life and death that qualifies me for the role. I’m also sure that the Gods needed to be sure that I wouldn’t shatter if the work was challenging. For the record- I do not believe that Apollo caused my husband’s death, rather he simply knew it was coming in advance.

I didn’t want to admit that I was an oracle, in part because I fear the response from the community echoing the curse of Cassandra. There are so many people who claim they can do the things I can do, and a number of them are fraudulent. It took the persistence of a skeptical former friend to accept the truth. She and I were close for a while. My inability at the time to accept my role was part of (but not the entirety of) the end of our friendship.

This is really just a brief glimpse into my life and path. I’m open to questions, comments, and if you have them- concerns.

Know that I am not doing this out of any desire to be rich or wealthy- this comes as part of a sincere commitment to the Gods. I am oath bound. I am an oracle. So ask your questions or don’t ask your questions. Hate your answers or love them. It’s not really up to me. Just don’t shoot the messenger.

Also, just so we’re completely clear, I am not claiming to be the only or best oracle. The Gods speak through many avenues. I am simply one of them.